1) The number of units included in the production budget:

A may differ from the number of units in the sales budget, depending on ending inventory goals.

B are always the same as the number of units in the sales budget.

C is based on the number of units in the sales budget, and increased for increases in the selling and administrative expense budget to account for increased demand.

D depends on the raw materials purchases budget.

2 Which of the following is not a source that can be used in preparing the sales budget?

A Industry trends.

B Marketing activities.

C Prior sales.

D The production budget.

3 When calculating the direct labor budget, the starting point should be:

A budgeted sales.

B budgeted cost of direct labor.

C actual direct labor hours from the previous year.

D budgeted production.

4 The formula for budgeted raw materials purchases is:

A Budgeted production units + Beginning raw materials inventory – Ending raw materials inventory.

B Budgeted production units + Ending raw materials inventory – Beginning raw materials inventory.

C Materials needed for production + Ending raw materials inventory – Beginning raw materials inventory.

D Materials needed for production + Beginning raw materials inventory – Ending raw materials inventory.

5 From a managerial perspective, which budget is most likely to motivate people to succeed in executing it?

A) A budget that is tight, but attainable because it creates the appropriate level of challenge.

B ) A budget that is easy to achieve, because it inspires confidence.

C ) A budget that is tight, and nearly impossible to achieve, because it creates camaraderie and an “us versus them” mentality.

D ) A budget that is difficult to achieve, because it encourages people to aim high.