Reply to discussion questions:  

1.   I have had to sit here and think a bit of a time that I had been a victim of prejudice or discrimination and the only thing I can think of is times I have gone in to purchase a vehicle. Anytime I have gone alone, it seems like they see a single woman and think they can take advantage. They try and pull the wool over my eyes and get me to buy something I really don’t want or way out of my price range. But then any time I have gone in with a guy, I don’t seem to have any issues. It seems that many people look at women as stupid and easily duped. This made me feel very low and taken advantage of just because of my gender. I believe everyone should be equal, even if someone has a bit of a harder time understanding still does not give anyone the right to take advantage of them. 
I honestly do not recall a time I have discriminated against someone. I believe everyone is equal and everyone should be given the chance at anything. No one should be made to feel less of value than anyone else. Unless you give me a reason to doubt you, then I won’t. I have been around friends though, when they have been a victim of prejudice or discrimination and just being in the presence of that made me feel terrible, I felt bad for both people; for my friend for having that happen to them and for the person doing it that they were raised in such a way, it is just sad.

2.     I had to think about this week’s discussion because we as humans sometimes don’t know that we can be prejudice. It was a time at work my coworkers would come up to me and ask me how old I was and when I would tell them my age. “They would be like you look young because black doesn’t crack”. Now I am 41 and don’t look my age at all. So for me, that was harsh, but for them, they thought it was a compliment.  In our textbook, it talks about “Direct aggression” when some are verbal insulting you and that how I look at it but, I just smile and say no it not because ” I am African American have you thought that I just take off myself”. For me, prejudice is just not someone saying mean things it”s a feeling and me at that moment I felt.   
I never discriminated against anyone because to treat someone off of their race religion or how they see themselves is just unethical to me. I feel if someone has a lack of knowledge, experience doesn’t mean we should treat them “crew”. We should love them because “God” has loved us, just because people are different doesn’t mean that you are to treat them any different then you will treat yourself.