After watching the video below,discuss at least one of the course materials in relation to either a) a personal or clinical experience, b) another course resource or c) a resource outside the class, 3) provides a reflection on what you have learned from the video- Stalking A Killer (see the link for the video below)

-Link for the video Stalking A killer:

Reflective writing is a response to new information you gained through learning. It is not summarizing or regurgitating information; rather it is reflecting on what you learned from the information. Reflective writing is an activity that includes description (what, when, who) and analysis (how, why, what if). It is an explorative tool often resulting in more questions than answers.

FYI: This assignment has initial response ,then you will reply to one peer.

1)-Here is the example of how to do this assignment

Initial response should be:

In this week’s content I found the video pertaining to millennials suffering from health conditions normally associated with old age one of the most interesting. The video described examples such as back pain, varicose veins and others most commonly related to sedentary lifestyle. The use of technology such as computers and phones have also put a strain on the younger generation health wise. As someone who has grown up in the era of technology, I can account for how working at a computer or looking down at my phone has affected my body. I have also had to deal with the effects of carpal tunnel from typing for years. I feel as if this problem may only get worse as the years go on because individuals are participating in these types of behaviors at much younger ages. There are many children who engage in technology, which is a big problem by encouraging sedentary lifestyles choices.

2)Peer response example:

Hi Eric,

I found your post very fascinating to read. I was also shocked to learn that young adults are showing health conditions typically seen in the elderly.An article that also addresses this issue is, “The Health of Millennials,” written by the BlueCross. The article discusses how millennials are less healthy then the generations before them. The article emphasizes the following statistics to show the difference in millennials’ health compared to an older generation, “Millennials had 11% more total adverse health across these condition groupings than did Gen Xers when they were the same age. This increase was driven by a 21% increase in cardiovascular conditions and a 15% increase in endocrine conditions, including diabetes” ( BlueCross, 2019). The increase in health conditions from just one generation is very alarming. I think that the use of technology is a massive factor in this rise of medical conditions. Personal devices were more available to millennials growing up than the previous generations. This brings to question what will happen to the generations younger than millennials who have had modern technology for their whole lives. Will medical conditions that are usually seen in the elderly start becoming the norm for younger individuals over time?