PART H. (200 Words)
Prepare the data that will inform your project. Information will vary according to project: it could be a chart of polling numbers, a description of main events for a historical moment, financial data about trends in purchasing, or information about good work habits or psychology. Because of this variation, it is critical that you introduce your data clearly before presenting it. After providing this information in a Word document, write a 200-word explanation of the data type, incorporating concepts and key terms from the course. 

PART I. 150 Words
You buy a new pair of shoes on sale. The printed receipt states very clearly that the shoes are not returnable. After you get them home, you wear the shoes around the house for a day and decide that they just don’t fit you correctly. So you take the shoes back to the store. You start to yell angrily about the store’s poor quality service so that people in the store start to stare. The clerk calls the store manager; after some discussion, the managers agrees to give your money back.
·  Is this ethical? 
·  Provide an explanation and justification for your decision to return the shoes, and why your tactic was necessary. 

PART J. Trying to Sell Your Audio System (3 Pages)
You are trying to sell your audio system (an amplifier and speakers) to raise money for an upcoming trip overseas. The system works great, and an audiophile friend tells you that if he were in the market for this kind of equipment (which he isn’t), he’d give you $500 for it. A few days later the first potential buyer comes to see the system. The buyer looks it over and asks a few questions about it. You assure the buyer that the system works well. When asked how much, you tell the buyer that you have already had an offer for $500. The buyer purchases the system for $550. 
·  Justify and explain your decision to lie about having the second offer, and what were the consequences of your decision to lie to the buyer.

PART K. 150 Words
Anger or Threats More Effective in Negotiation
·  Read the required article for this week’s discussion, and answer the following question:
·  Are threats or anger more effective in negotiation? 
·  Please discuss the authors’ findings on the issue, and provide your own input based on the experience. 
Sinaceur, M., Van Kleef, G. A., Neale, M. A., Adam, H., & Haag, C. (2011). Hot or cold: Is communicating anger or threats more effective in negotiation? Journal of Applied Psychology, 96(5), 1018-1032.

PART L.  Emotion in Negotiation (3 Pages)
Conduct a light research on the role of emotion in negotiation process, and the effect it has on the outcome of the negotiation. In your essay, try to answer the following the questions:
1. Does emotion delay the negotiation process, or prevents parties from reaching an agreement? Why or why not?
2. As a negotiator, what are the benefits of emotion in negotiation?
3. Evaluate some of the strategies for dealing with emotion in negotiation.