Revisiting Publication Options
As you have learned, there are a variety of ways to increase your professional presence. Some methods include maintaining a professional networking account (e.g, LinkedIn, Career Network, etc.), joining professional memberships and associations, attending academic and healthcare conferences, volunteering at local organizations, obtaining a professional certification, securing a respective license, maintaining professional development hours, joining the Purdue Alumni Association, and yes, you can even increase your professional presence by getting published.
While most people would cringe at this thought, you have just completed what most would consider unreachable. Yet, here you are…about to submit your final capstone project. It is the final piece of evidence that illustrates the exemplary work that you have contributed to reach this level. You are about to obtain your master’s degree in healthcare administration! Of course, this is the perfect time to submit your capstone research for possible publication. Considering you have completed most of the literary and research requirements in class, getting published is simply the process of putting everything together in the acceptable format required by the publisher.
For this week’s discussion, you will revisit your original publication options previously identified in the Unit 2 Discussion.

How have your perspectives changed regarding these possible publication opportunities? Discuss if your level of interest seeking publication has changed.

After learning more about developing a systematic literature review (Bettany-Saltikov, 2012), discuss how you can develop your capstone content into a systematic literature review for possible publication.

What elements are commonly found in a systematic literature review?
How can you can amend your capstone content into a systematic literature review for possible publication?
What possible publication sources exist for systematic literature review submissions? What are their requirements for publication?
If you plan on submitting your capstone research for possible publication, discuss your timeline for doing so.

Take a look at some examples of recently published systematic literature review, written in-part from Purdue University Global Health Sciences Instructor, Dr. Michael Mileski: (please access these via the Unit 8, For Discussion Library Reading List)
Mileski, M., Topinka, J., Lee, K., Brooks, M., McNeil, C., & Jackson, J. (2017). An investigation of quality improvement initiatives in decreasing the rate of avoidable 30-day, skilled nursing facility-to-hospital readmissions: a systematic review. Clinical Interventions In Aging, 12, 213–222.
Mileski, M., Lee, K., Maung, S., Nelson, D., Palomares, O., & Paredes, N. (2018). Prevention of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus in neonatal intensive care units: A systematic review. ABNF Journal, 29(2), 46–53.
Mileski, M., Ayala, L., Campuzano, E., Joy, A., Ornelas, S., Ortiz, M., & Saenz, J. (2017). Quality of life considerations during cancer treatment in invasive ductal carcinoma patients: A systematic review. ABNF Journal, 28(1), 9–13.
Mileski, M., Kruse, C. S., Brooks, M., Haynes, C., Ying, C., Rodriguez, R., …Collingwood, Y. (2017). Factors concerning veterans with dementia, their caregivers, and coordination of care: A systematic literature review. Military Medicine, 182(11), e1904-e1911.
Bettany-Saltikov, J. (2012). How to do a systematic literature review in nursing: A step-by-step guide. Maidenhead, UK: McGraw-Hill Education.