The student shall have broad discretion in choosing a topic to 
write about. 
Persuasive writing
is also known as an argument essay. It
utilizes, evidence, logic and reason to show that one idea is more legitimate than another idea. It 
attempts to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view or to take a particular action. The 
topic should be health care 
this can be interpreted on many fronts. It can be 
based upon a health care law, policy, regulation, guideline, protocol etc

It does not have to
necessarily be a controversial topic, however, there must be some controversy 
surrounding the argument

At the conclusion of the introduction of your paper, it should end with a clear, specific
thesis statement, which will tell the reader exactly what your paper will be arguing. Each Body 
will directly support your thesis.
All unoriginal thoughts and examples shall be credited to its
original author. All papers should be in standa
APA format, and it MUST remain 
consistent throughout the entirety of your paper.
As this is an EVIDENCE based paper, all sources should credible/scholarly and 
recognized as such. NOTE: If you are using case 
law and
citing it as relevant and binding 
sure that it actually is (has it been over


Every paper, whether Persuasive or Analytical has a main point, a main idea or a 
central message. The argument(s) you make in your paper should reflect this main idea. 
The sentence(s) that captures your position on this main idea is what is known as the 
thesis statement. A thesis statement focuses your ideas into two or more sentences. It should present the topic 
of your paper and make evidence-based
comments relating to your position on the topic. 
Your thesis statement should tell your reader what the paper is about and
also help guide 
your writing and keep your argument focused—essentially,
it is your papers Road Map.
Your thesis statement should be as clear and specific as possible. It should also be limited to 
what can be accomplished in the specified number of page
. Being specific in your paper 
will be much more successful than being general about your chosen idea. It should also 
reveal what position you are trying to argue/analyze in your paper. Instead of merely stating 
a general fact or resorting to a simple pro
con statement, YOU MUST DECIDE WHAT THE 
Thesis Statement(s)
Your thesis statement should:
Make an argumentative assertion about a topic and the conclusion that you 
have reached about your topic;
Make a promise to the reader about the scope, purpose, and direction of your 
paper i.e., the Roadmap of your paper;
Be focused and specific enough to be 
” within the boundaries of your 
(4) Be generally located near the end of the introduction
—however, it may be expressed in several sentences or in an entire paragraph;
It anticipates and refutes the counter
It avoids vague language, and avoids the first person;
Identify the relationship between the pieces of evidence that you are using to 
support your argument