You are going to review and analyze the financial statements of Johnson & Johnson and compare that to a publicly traded corporation. The list of companies to select from is outlined below. Please pick the publicly traded company assigned to your last name as instructed. You will also be using an Excel spreadsheet to perform these calculations Excel Support_to submit(1).xls . The financial statements for Johnson & Johnson as well as your assigned publicly traded company are found on the same Excel spreadsheet that you will use to submit Part 2 of your assignment.Your findings will be presented to the class as if you were presenting the information to a group of investors.

Each student will use Company A: Johnson & Johnson and compare that company to a company found in the Company B list below. You must use the Company B assigned to your last name.

Company B:

If your last name begins with A – F, use Caterpillar, Inc.

If your last name begins with G – K, use Kimberly-Clark Corporation

If your last name begins with L – R, use Costco Wholesale Corporation

If your last name begins with S – Z, use Staples, Inc. and Subsidiaries

Course objectives covered: 1, 4, 5, 6


This project is split into four (4) parts with one (1) part due each week of the course. Based on your readings, use of technology, literature, and other sources, you will incorporate the following into your reports (do not simply list the question and provide an answer; incorporate the information into a well written report or presentation):

  1. Go to the website to research the requirements of publicly traded companies relating to financial reporting. Research additional background information on the publicly traded corporation you selected (Company B) – when the corporation began in business, how it came to be, where the corporate headquarters are, where they do business, what their product/service line is, who they offer their product / service to, etc.
  2. Perform the calculations listed on the Excel spreadsheet for both companies.
  3. Explain your findings (using the website as well as other resources):Does each company appear to be able to pay their current obligations? Why or why not?
  4. How are the companies currently financed? This may be with common stock, preferred stock, bonds, leases, or any combination of them. Do you think the financing is appropriate for each company?
  5. Which method of depreciation does the publicly traded company use?
  6. For the publicly traded company explain how you would improve the distribution or product/service line and to whom you would offer it to, based on the financial health of the company. Stating there are no improvements is not acceptable.
  7. Do they have a code of ethics?
  8. Which company do you think would be the better investment and why?
  9. Present your findings

Writing Activity:

For Week 1 and Week 3 you will submit a 1 page report with at least 1 reference from the Keiser University library.

All written documents and sources used are to be submitted in APA format (use the writing center if needed). APA Formatting & Style Guide_2_.pdf

Technology/Collaborative Activity:

You will be presenting and discussing your findings to the class using the voice-over feature in PowerPoint or YouTube. Please be sure the audio is clear and the file or link is accessible in the Week 4 Presentation discussion board.

You will be using Excel to create spreadsheets.