Complete the lab assignment steps provided on this week’s
Lab page.

Submit your lab.

Lab Steps

STEP 1: Preparation

Open a Word document and save it as
MD_Lab_2_LastName_FirstInitial.docx. This is where you will paste your
screenshots of your progress through this Lab.

At the top of the Word document add the following.

Your name

Your instructor’s name

Course number


Microsoft Dynamics Lab 2

When indicated in the lab steps, take a screenshot of your
computer screen and paste it to this file. At the end of the lab, you will
upload this Word document containing the screenshots.

Review Lab 2: Brenda’s Bagels: Accounts Receivable and
Accounts Payable (in Files).

Start Microsoft Dynamics

STEP 2: Accounts Receivable

Complete Lab 2.1: Brenda’s Bagels: Accounts Receivable.

Follow the directions contained in the lab including the
required screenshot(s).

STEP 3: Setting Up Accounts Payable

Complete Lab 2.2: Brenda’s Bagels: Accounts Payable.

Follow the directions contained in the lab including the
required screenshot(s).

STEP 4: Submitting the Deliverables

Close Microsoft Dynamics and your work will be automatically
saved by Microsoft Dynamics.


Save your Word document containing your required

Submit the Word document.