SAS No. 99 requires auditors to conduct a brainstorming session to discuss the potential for fraud and how the auditor might respond to the risk of fraud. However, the standard provides limited guidance on how this brainstorming session should take place. Read “A Primer for Brainstorming Fraud Risks” by Mark Beasley and Greg Jenkins in the December 2003 issue ofJournal of Accountancy(file is attached )

to answer the following questions:

a. What are three common pitfalls that should be avoided during brainstorming sessions? How can these problems be avoided?

b. What are three important techniques to improve the effectiveness of a brainstorming session?

2-3 pg paper that responds to both parts A and B of the Internet problem .Use the Internet to search for additional sources to support your answers. Answers to the questions should follow good academic writing style format in that the response should: (1) consider the author’s position regarding the importance of each common pitfall/technique and decide which pitfalls are considered the most important; (2) state the author’s position by starting with a general statement, followed by an example(s) or observation(s) and conclude with a general statement