As an MBA student, you were given free subscription to the Bloomberg Business Week (BW). It is a veryuseful learning resource to keep you up with the current practices in financial reporting and analyses around the world. Let’s share what you learned from reading BW in our learning community, class discussion board. Bysharing your own thoughts and experiences on the issue, everyone in this learning community will get benefits.From participating in this DB you will also have a chance to earn up to 50 points.


Please pick a recent article (less than 2 years) published in the BW relative to the current practices/issues infinancial reporting and analyses and do the following requirements.

Original posting (30 pts):

  • Topic and the Title of the Article (with a BW reference)
  • Relevance of the article to this course, financial reporting and analyses (one or two paragraphs)
  • Synopsis of the article (two or three paragraphs)
  • Full content of the article (if short) or a link to the article (if too long)
  • Questions to be discussed (at least three proving questions to be discussed)

DB Participation (10 pts each, 20 pts maximum)

  • Post Your thoughts, questions, answers, and comments on the topic posted by others or
  • Respond to the postings by others on the topic you initiated.

Due Date:

Initial Posting: 7/16 (Sun)

Responses: 7/19 (Wed)