Evaluation Review
Choose one article from the below list to use as the basis of the  evaluation review. All articles are available via the Ashford Library in  the database listed.

Coulon, S. M., Wilson, D. K., Griffin, S., St George, S. M., Alia,  K. A., Trumpeter, N. N.,. . . Gadson, B. (2012). Formative process  evaluation for implementing a social marketing intervention to increase  walking among African Americans in the positive action for today’s  health trial. American Journal of Public Health, 102(12), 2315-21. Retrieved from the ProQuest database.
Klesges, R. C., Talcott, W., Ebbert, J. O., Murphy, J. G.,  McDevitt-Murphy, M. E., Thomas, F., & … Nicholas, R. A. (2013).  Effect of the alcohol misconduct prevention program (AMPP) in Air Force  technical training. Military Medicine, 178(4), 445-451. doi:10.7205/MILMED-D-12-00400. Retrieved from the EBSCO database.
Mason-Jones, A., Mathews, C., & Flisher, A. J. (2011). Can peer  education make a difference? Evaluation of a South African adolescent  peer education program to promote sexual and reproductive health. AIDS and Behavior, 15(8), 1605-11. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10461-011-0012-1. Retrieved from the ProQuest database.
Palm Reed, K. M., Hines, D. A., Armstrong, J. L., & Cameron, A.  Y. (2015). Experimental evaluation of a bystander prevention program for  sexual assault and dating violence. Psychology Of Violence, 5(1), 95-102. doi:10.1037/a0037557. Retrieved from the EBSCO database.

After reading the selected article, in a four to five page paper you should:

Describe the selected program.
Summarize the evaluation that was conducted on this program and the findings of evaluation. Consider the following questions: 

How was each phase of the evaluation conducted for this program?
What results were found in each phase of the process?

Compare and contrast the evaluation process of this program with  what our course readings suggest should be included in each phase of  evaluation.
Analyze the effectiveness of each of the methods used to evaluate the program. Consider the following questions: 

Did the methods used to conduct each phase of the evaluation provide  the information the program managers set out to investigate? Why or why  not?
Are the methods used in the evaluations internally and externally valid? Why or why not?
What was missing in each phase of evaluation?
What additional information do you think should have been collected? How should it have been collected?

Based on your analysis, develop at least three recommendations for  how the evaluation process and/or the overall program should be changed.  Consider the following questions: 

What do the evaluation results suggest is being done “right” or “wrong” in the evaluation process or program?
How should the program have originally been created or how should it be changed based on the evaluation findings?