BOOK Divergent by Veronica Roth

Examining a novel for a particular theme will help you develop a stronger eye for analysis in reading and writing. Writing a sentence outline for the essay you will write for the mid-term essay exam will provide you the opportunity to critically think about the ideas and organization of those ideas in preparation for the essay you will write during the exam.
Review the YA novel you read and examine the story for how theme is used. Take in to consideration the elements of that theme and how those elements are broken down to create the story line/plot and propel the story along. In addition, consider how the characters, setting, and plot interact to create the theme. 
2. Open the Sentence Outline Template and save it to your computer. Write sentences for each delineation within the template so you have important ideas and information for your essay exam. Do not delete the labels for each delineation; however, you may alter or adjust those labels as needed.
3. Use the following helpful tips as you think about the essay you will write for the mid-term exam and as you develop your sentence outline for that essay:
Begin your essay with an introduction that includes the title and author of the novel, an introduction to the theme you will discuss in the body of your essay, and a thesis sentence at the end of the introduction that includes the topic of your essay, your claim about that topic, and a list of the main ideas you will use to support and prove that claim. An example of a thesis sentence might be: In Aaron Jacobs’ novel To Each His Own, Jacobs explores the theme of identity as Ellen and Ted each experience an identity crisis, hide their true identities from each other, and learn to accept themselves for who they are in order to develop and fulfill a rich relationship as a couple.
Provide adequate and relevant support and proof from the book for your thesis claim as you develop the body of your essay (this is not a research essay so sources other than the book are not needed. It is an analysis essay and should be written in third person (Links to an external site.));
Include MLA 8 in text citations (Links to an external site.) (including parenthetical citations) for all source ideas referenced from the book;
Include an MLA 8 work cited (Links to an external site.) listing the source citation for the novel you read and reference. Note that this is an analysis essay on the book you read, so that novel is the only source you will list in your work cited;
Provide a comprehensive conclusion that reiterates your thesis ideas, synthesizes the body of your essay, and offers your reader closure.
4. Save the Sentence Outline Template again, and then close it. Upload your completed sentence outline and submit your work.
To submit your work: Click the Submit Assignment button (top right of screen).
Your sentence outline is worth up to 25 points toward your course grade. Your sentence outline will be graded on how well ideas are thought out, completed and organized.