In this assessment, you will apply the cognitive theories and models you have learned to three case studies presented in the following videos:

NBC Nightly News. (2013, January 23). Teaching his girlfriend to read again [News report]. NBC Universal Media. 

A photo of an elderly man patiently reviewing alphabet flashcards with his girlfriend, who had a stroke, went viral. NBC News tracked down the couple, and discovered a long time love, undeterred by life’s unexpected changes.
Run time: 2:10.

NBC News. (2012, June 14). Learning to live after brain injury [News report]. NBC Universal Media.

Recovering from a brain trauma is as unpredictable as it is challenging. Andrea Briggs, who suffered a devastating brain injury in 2011, is slowly re-learning how to do everyday tasks, from brushing her teeth to reading, writing, and even walking.
Run time: 3:22.

Chedd, G. (Writer/Director). (2004, May 11). Don’t forget [Television series episode]. In Chedd-Angier (Producer), Scientific American Frontiers. Available from 

Watch the first segment of Episode 2, “Don’t Forget.” In this segment of American Scientific Frontiers, host Alan Alda meets and visits with a relatively famous case study on memory, “Patient E. P.,” and the team that had been studying him and his odd condition for years before his passing a few years ago.
Run time: from approximately 3:13–11:20.


Briefly summarize the case studies featured in the videos. 

Include in your summary the condition depicted and possible causes of the memory impairment or memory loss using theories and research from the course readings. You may also use supplemental sources to support your analysis.
Use your course resources and at least three peer-reviewed and scholarly resources (no more than five years old) to help support your analysis.

Using scholarly sources as a basis, conclude with possible treatment options for the person featured in the case study.
Prior to submission, review the Impediments to Learning and Memory Scoring Guide to ensure that you have completed all the required elements of this assessment.
Note: You may (but are not required to) use the APA Paper Template, linked in the Resources.

Additional Requirements

Written communication:Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Sources: Use your course resources and at least three peer-reviewed and scholarly resources (no more than five years old).
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
Length: 2–3 typed, double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.