J3 Journal

 Batman and Commissioner Gordon constantly involved themselves with local, state, and federal regulations. Think about the regulations in your locality and specifically reflect on one regulation that could use some improvement. What could be improved regarding this regulation?

 entry must be at least 200 words 

Case Study

  review the Nike case study, located at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5uYCWVfuPQ.
Click here view the video transcript.
Once you have viewed the case scenario, respond to the following questions, with thorough explanations and well-supported rationale.

These workers state the “only thing they have is their work”. This statement suggests that without this work, they would have a lower standard of living. Should we inflict western values on this society? Bring in the concepts of social responsibility, integrity and other business ethics practices.
From Nike’s standpoint, is this a fair assessment of their ethical standards? Explain the some of the ethical issues that Nike is facing in the case.
Explain what Nike has done to improve this situation since this 2011 video. Include the use of codes of ethics and other ethical standards implemented within the organization.
Is your opinion of Nike any different now after viewing this video? Would this change your buying behavior with respect to Nike products?

 response should be a minimum of two double-spaced pages. References should include your required reading plus one additional credible reference. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying in-text citations, and cited per A&P guidelines.

Journal 4

 Hawkeye Pierce and BJ Hunnicutt built years of unethical situations on the popular show MASH. Through their comical depiction of these situations, the viewer might have been left with the impression that the unethical behavior was actually appropriate. Share your thoughts about what can happen to a business if ethical standards are not taken seriously.

 entry must be at least 200 words 

J4 Essay

Ethics in business relationships include both the external and internal relationships that develop around the organization. For this, you will focus on the internal relationships that develop inside the organization. Studies have indicated the more positive the environment within the organization, the more productive the employees.
Research one or a combination of these job-related topics found within organizations: job discrimination; sexual harassment; bullying or unsafe working conditions.

Briefly describe the issue.
Analyze the impact on overall morale, relationships within the organization and ultimately overall productivity levels.
Research a minimum of one company that was caught up in this type of issue.
What best practices might a company implement to avoid negative behavior within their organization?
How would you rate the ethical practices of the company that you chose (excellent, fair or poor)? Explain.

 response should include an introduction, thesis statement, and a clear discussion of the questions/topics above. It should be a minimum of two double-spaced pages. You are required to use at least two credible references. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and be cited per A&P guidelines.