
Choose initial posts ; comment on them; present your views.  
In order to receive the maximum number of points go beyond merely agreeing or disagreeing in your response. In other words, bring to the Discussion Forum new information that respectfully challenges your peers to think further about what he or she posted.
When you begin, type the name of the person you are replying to.
Make an analysis of the other person’s work/thinking.
Make sure to cite 3 sources in your initial and response posts, the video and both of the assigned journal articles, to support your argument.  

Respond to  peers
The expectation is that response posts will add factual information to the discussion, whether in agreement or disagreement with the peer’s original post. 
75-100 words

Reply to Amber: 
Locus of control is one’s interpretation of life events as either inside or outside of their control (Schultz & Schultz, 2016). Individuals with an internal locus of control believe that circumstances are a result of their attitude, actions, and abilities (Schultz & Schultz, 2016). Generally more successful, people with an internal locus of control have an inner belief in their ability to generate positive outcomes. Conversely, individuals with an external locus of control believe that situations are a result of factors outside of their influence (Schultz & Schultz, 2016).
Externalizing determinants of success or failure has negative consequences as it evokes a sense of helplessness and passivity (Schultz & Schultz, 2016)

My score 72 on the Locus of Control test, reveals that I have an internalized locus of control (Personality Test Center, 2019). This is not surprising as my personal bent is to be overly independent and self-reliant. While I enjoy the benefits of hard work, a can-do attitude, and flexible, solution-oriented thinking, my sense of pride can prevent me from asking for help.

The importance of locus of control is being recognized on a wider level.
A study by Kutanis, Mesci, and Ovdur (2011) measured the effect of locus of control on organizational learning. They found that students with an internal locus of control were better able to adapt to the learning style of a corporation (Kutanis, Mesci, Ovdur, 2011). In other words, attitude and self-concept are directly linked to team chemistry and success.
The study on the locus of control was a reminder to approach difficult people and circumstances from a position of personal ownership as opposed to finger-pointing. There is almost always something I can to improve the situation.
Ozen Kutanis, R., Mesci, M., & Ovdur, Z. (2011). The effects of locus of control on learning performance: A case of academic organization. Journal of Economic and Social Studies, 1(2), 113-131

Personality Test Center (2019). Locus of control. Retrieved from uestionnaires/locusofcontrol/index.html

Schultz, D.P., & Schultz, S.E. (2016). A History of Modern Psychology, (Ed. 11th). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.