In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of the learning objective: Identify universal learning characteristics of students with mild to moderate disabilities.  Additionally, completion of this assignment represents an introduction to Course Learning Outcome 3 and MASE Program Learning Outcomes 1, 2 and 6.
Although every child is unique, those with similar categorized disabilities, have universal learning and behavior characteristics.  For example, traditional instruction can be delivered with strategies that have shown to be successful for students identified as having learning disabilities.  Similarly, universal proactive classroom intervention techniques for children with mild to moderate behavior disabilities have also been demonstrated to be a successful approach to addressing these individualized needs.

Create a graphic organizer using Popplet (Links to an external site.) or Microsoft Word (Links to an external site.) to demonstrate universal learning and behavior characteristics and strategies for a disability of your choice.  Use table 2.1 “Generally Accepted Categorical Descriptions of Students with Mild Disabilities” and table 2.2 “Summary of Instructional Strategies by Functional Domains” to identify a population and their characteristics.  Here is a model to follow:
· Universal Learning Characteristics (Links to an external site.)
Content Expectations
· Define, in one sentence, the disability you’ve chosen.
· Describe at least five universal behavior characteristics for the population of students you’ve chosen.
· Explain at least five behavior strategies to support the Universal Behavior Characteristics.
· List at least three resources you accessed to identify Universal Behavior Characteristics and strategies.
· Describe at least five universal learning characteristics for the population of students you’ve chosen.
· Explain at least five instructional strategies to support the universal learning characteristics of the population of student’s you’ve chosen.
· List at least three resources you accessed to identify universal learning characteristics and instructional strategies.
Written Expectations
· APA Formatting: Use APA 6th edition formatting consistently throughout the timeline.
· Syntax and Mechanics: Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.
· Source Requirement: Reference the website or video selected in the appropriate section.

The MASE program provides the opportunity for you to create an online portfolio that can be used in your career development and professional practice.  Throughout the program you will have various assessments that can be included in this e-portfolio and these will be finalized in the last course of the MASE program, Capstone course, ESE699.  You may select this assignment and subsequent coursework to include as artifacts. Therefore, it is strongly encouraged you save your coursework on a flash-drive (e.g., a USB removable drive) or store in a cloud-based option such as Dropbox, GoogleDrive, or other similar applications.
Success Tip: Start preparing now for the Week Six Final Assignment!

The Week Six assignment involves creating a resource manual for Mr. Franklin. Preparation for this assignment must begin early to make certain you are thinking ahead and saving your work.  Review the full instructions for the Week Six assignment for more information.