First, please research the following types of ethical theory: consequentialism, deontology, relativism, virtue ethics, and justice. Then, choose two types of ethical theory that you would like to study for this assignment. Next, select two philosophers’ original texts to examine in detail. Each original text must be representative of one of your chosen types of ethical theory. Potential philosophers’ works to consider include John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism, Immanuel Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, and John Rawls’ A Theory of Justice. However, you are not limited to these works and may choose any philosopher classical or contemporary, if the philosopher’s work is representative of one of your two chosen types of ethical theory. 
The goal of this research paper is to provide clear and concise analysis and application of your two philosophers’ ethical theories to a particular business ethics case study. In your paper, first provide clear and concise analysis of the two types of ethical theory that you chose. Include a detailed analysis of the relevant portions of your philosophers’ original texts. Be sure to compare and contrast each of the types of ethical theory that you chose, using your philosophers’ works to provide examples and illustrations. If relevant, you may also include brief information on the historical development and contemporary trends in your chosen types of ethical theory. 
Next, research both Case Study 20: Enron: Not Accounting for the Future and Case Study 13: Insider Trading at the Galleon Group from your textbook. Choose one of the case studies to utilize for your research paper and provide a clear and concise analysis of the business ethics issues presented in your case study. Then, apply your two types of ethical theory to either a specific actor/organization’s behavior or to the overall business ethics issue presented in your case study. Again, be sure to compare and contrast how your two philosophers’ theories would apply to the given ethical issue. Finally, provide a conclusion to the application of each of your theories to the case study chosen. In particular, how would the business ethics issue in your case study be resolved, if you applied each ethical theory to the ethics issue? Refer back to your thesis statement and be sure to include your personal view as to which ethical theory and resultant resolution you would recommend and why.  
Research papers must be formatted using APA style guidelines. You are required to utilize a minimum of five academic sources for this assignment. Two of your sources must be your chosen philosophers’ original texts. Your textbook does not count toward your five sources, nor do non-academic sources such as Wikipedia. A philosophy dictionary or encyclopedia, however, may count as one academic source. Your paper must be a minimum of three pages in length and a maximum of five pages in length.