Due Wednesday November 13th, 2019
Answer Only 3 Questions
Type answers for Question I, II, and IV in double space font 12
The control of disease and mortality has vastly improved the human condition and has in fact revolutionized life. DISCUSS (one-page double space)
Fertility has both a biological and a social component. EXPLAIN (one-page double space).
Write between the given brackets the correct number of the word or phrase in the passage:
(    ) Longevity (    ) Infants (    ) Genetic (    ) High fertility (    ) Income (    ) Longevity
(    ) High mortality (    ) Mathematical (    ) Policy issue (    ) Education (    ) Dehydration  (    ) Randomly
Disease and death are not (1) distributed across the life cycle. The very young and the old are most vulnerable. The (2) or biological aspects (3) have led many theorists to believe that the age patterns of (4) could be explained by a simple (5) formula. We may know what kills us, but we are less certain about what it is that allows us to survive. High level (6) and (7) however, can possibly avoid (8) and other cause of death among (9) Facing (10) in human history, only societies with sufficiently (11) managed to survive over the years. In the present time, fertility is not always preferred as a (12). Only societies with sufficient resources are theoretically able to maintain high levels of fertility.
Separate population pyramids of American population indicate White, Black, Asian, American Indian, and Hispanic people are significantly younger and thus more likely to be a larger proportion of the population into the future. Just as examples, the median age of the White, non-Hispanic population is forty-one years of age; for African Americans, it is thirty-one years of age; for Native Americans thirty years, and for Hispanics, twenty-seven years. For Asians, median age is thirty-five (U.S. Census Bureau, 2012). This ‘minority-majority’ population refers not just to numbers in a population, but also to the unequal treatment of diverse groups. Thus, by the year 20150, it is expected that whites will be 74 percent of the population (compared to 81 percent in 2000) – still a numerical majority, but less sp than in the recent past. African Americans are expected to remain somewhat steady at 13 percent of the total U.S. population. Hispanics and Asians will grow the most, from 12 to 30 percent from 2000 to 2050. Asian Americans are predicted to grow from 4 percent to almost 8 percent. Those labeled as ‘other’ in the U.S. census, including American Indians, Alaskans, Aleuts, and those identifying as mixed race will also double their current representation from 8 to 14 percent (U.S. Census Bureau 2012).
Comment on the demographics mentioned about American population in the present and expected future. What is the impact of these demographics on the social, economic, and cultural diversity of the country (one page double space) and 2) What are the possibilities and implications of the census projections to problems of equality, economic progression, and political power structure (one page double space)?