Develop a PowerPoint presentation of 8–11 slides for a proposal, including 200–250 words of speaker notes per slide, covering the following: The proposal should begin with a brief explanation of each separate technique (1–2 slides). Present your evaluation of 3–4 of the technique’s strategic contributions to the e-business’s market leadership for MedEd/CHC (3–4 slides). The specific techniques that you should evaluate in your plan include the following: Personalized customer interaction Customer relationship management (CRM) Customer experience management (CEM) Interactive relationship marketing Mass customization Customerization Conclude with a proposed plan integrating at least 3–4 of the strategic techniques to achieve the e-business’s CRM and relationship marketing objectives for MedEd/CHC (4–5 slides). Use the presentation’s Notes section to describe concept applications in detail. For more information on creating PowerPoint presentations, please visit the Microsoft Office Applications Lab. Please submit your assignment. For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
Develop a PowerPoint presentation of 8–11 slides for a proposal, including 200–250 wor
by hanseligwa | Oct 13, 2023 | Uncategorized
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