1. Write an input statement that will prompt the user for a real number, and store it in a variable.Then, use the fprintf function to print the value of this variable using 2 decimal places. Answer : 2. When would you use disp instead of fprintf ?When would you use fprintf instead of disp ? Answer : 3. Trace the following code and determine what will be printed after each line is executed. num = 12.3; disp(‘Hello!’) fprintf ( ‘ Hmm how many ‘) fprintf( ‘ lines n nwill print? n’ ) fprintf( ‘ %6.2f n’, num) Answer : Line1: Line2: Line3: Line4: Line5: 4. When would it be important to use legend in a plot? Answer : 5. Write a script that would create a 3×5 matrix of random integers and write this new matrix to a file called “Assignment3_Question5.dat”. Answer :